Maple Almond Butter Banana Nice Cream on a cone dunked in a small white bowl with slices bananas in another bigger white bowl

Maple Almond Butter Banana “Nice” Cream

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I’m making a list and checking it twice—I *will* find out who’s been naughty or nice! Just kidding, I’m not Santa, and I definitely think everyone deserves to try out my Maple Almond Butter Banana “Nice” Cream. It’s a cold, dairy-free treat packed with JUSTIN’S® Maple Almond Butter that’s great to beat those hot days!


Justin's signature in maroon red
Icon of cutlery (from left to right: fork, knife, spoon) inside circle outline in maroon red



Icon of cutting board with knife on top in maroon red


1 hour 10 minutes

Icon of sizzling frying pan in maroon red


0 minutes

Icon of clock in maroon red lines


1 hour 10 minutes


½ cup JUSTIN’S® Maple Almond Butter
4-5 Bananas, frozen; peeled & chopped
1 Banana, sliced
Almonds for garnish


1. Whip the frozen bananas in a food processor or blender.

2. Add the JUSTIN’S® Maple Almond Butter and whip until blended.

3. Freeze the mixture for 30-60 minutes.

4. Use an ice cream scoop to serve in a bowl or cone.

5. Top with fresh, sliced bananas and almonds.

This Recipe Serves 4


½ cup JUSTIN’S® Maple Almond Butter
4-5 Bananas, frozen; peeled & chopped
1 Banana, sliced
Almonds for garnish


1. Whip the frozen bananas in a food processor or blender.

2. Add the JUSTIN’S® Maple Almond Butter and whip until blended.

3. Freeze the mixture for 30-60 minutes.

4. Use an ice cream scoop to serve in a bowl or cone.

5. Top with fresh, sliced bananas and almonds.

This Recipe Serves 4

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