maple almond butter tarts

Maple Almond Butter Tarts

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Icon of cutlery (from left to right: fork, knife, spoon) inside circle outline in maroon red



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Icon of sizzling frying pan in maroon red


Icon of clock in maroon red lines



2/3 cup packed light brown sugar

1/3 cup maple syrup

2 tablespoons JUSTIN’S® Maple Almond Butter

1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened

1 large egg, as room temp

1 1/2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon salt


  1. Roll the pie dough about ⅛-inch thick. Using a 4-inch-diameter cookie cutter, cut 12 dough circles (rerolling the scraps as needed). Gently press one dough circle into each cavity of a 12-cup muffin pan. Chill the pan in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C). Whisk together the sugar, maple syrup, Maple Almond Butter, and butter in a mixing bowl. Whisk in the egg, vinegar, vanilla, and salt.
  3. Use a ladle or ¼-cup measuring cup, divide the filling evenly between the shells.
  4. Bake 15-18 minutes, until the filling bubbles and darkens somewhat.
  5. Transfer the pan to a rack and cool 5 minutes, then carefully run a butter knife around the edge to loosen each tart. Let the tarts cool in the pan, then remove. Store in a single layer in an air-tight container in the refrigerator until ready to serve. When ready to serve, bring them to room temperature and enjoy!

This Recipe Serves 12


2/3 cup packed light brown sugar

1/3 cup maple syrup

2 tablespoons JUSTIN’S® Maple Almond Butter

1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened

1 large egg, as room temp

1 1/2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon salt

  1. Roll the pie dough about ⅛-inch thick. Using a 4-inch-diameter cookie cutter, cut 12 dough circles (rerolling the scraps as needed). Gently press one dough circle into each cavity of a 12-cup muffin pan. Chill the pan in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C). Whisk together the sugar, maple syrup, Maple Almond Butter, and butter in a mixing bowl. Whisk in the egg, vinegar, vanilla, and salt.
  3. Use a ladle or ¼-cup measuring cup, divide the filling evenly between the shells.
  4. Bake 15-18 minutes, until the filling bubbles and darkens somewhat.
  5. Transfer the pan to a rack and cool 5 minutes, then carefully run a butter knife around the edge to loosen each tart. Let the tarts cool in the pan, then remove. Store in a single layer in an air-tight container in the refrigerator until ready to serve. When ready to serve, bring them to room temperature and enjoy!

This Recipe Serves 12

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