You probably didn’t know that you can use carrots instead of potatoes for a health-conscious, nutrient-rich substitute for fries. This recipe calls for JUSTIN’S® Maple Almond Butter. It doesn’t get better than these Crispy Carrot Fries with Cinnamon Maple Almond Dip.
Think back to how satisfying an orange creamsicle is on a hot summer day. Did you get a visual? Well, this recipe blends that flavor into a delicious smoothie bowl. Infuse it with JUSTIN’S® Vanilla Almond Butter and you have yourself a treat. The best part of this Orange Creamsicle Smoothie Bowl is it uses natural ingredients and cuts out all the artificial flavors. It’s sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.
I love spicing up a classic recipe. What do you do when life gives you JUSTIN’S® Coconut Almond Butter, oats, blueberries, and a free night? Make Coconut Almond Butter Overnight Oats of course! This recipe cuts out all the artificial ingredients included in a sugary instant packet. No need to thank me, I do it for the fans!
Being on a gluten free diet doesn’t mean you can’t have your favorite treats. If you don’t believe me, I’ve created this Gluten Free PB&J Doughnuts recipe to prove it. You get the best of both worlds by combining JUSTIN’S® Honey Peanut Butter and raspberry jam into a doughnut, you won’t even be able to taste the difference!
Pretzel rhymes with wrestle, as in, “I’ll wrestle you for one of these Nut Butter Cup Dipped Pretzels”. That’s what my daughter said to me last time I made a batch of these. I’ve combined the saltiness of pretzels with the sweetness of my famous nut butter cups and voila! I present to you one of the greatest snacks ever invented.